Angela Devaney, M.S., CCC/SLP-L

“Many individuals underestimate the POWER they have to regain and retain their voice and swallowing abilities, despite their Parkinson’s diagnosis.”

Meet Angela Devaney, a licensed speech-language pathologist based in Champaign, IL, who has been serving the community since 1996.  With a focus on patients with Parkinson’s, Angela specializes in treating communication and swallowing disorders stemming from this neurological disease. Using the evidence-based SPEAK OUT! Therapy Program and drawing from years of experience, she equips her patients with the knowledge, confidence and support they need to tackle these challenges head-on.

Parkinson’s is a movement disorder.

You battle it by moving with INTENT!

Earl, before SPEAK OUT! therapy- “My voice makes me feel invisible, unreal, and embarrassed....

Earl, after SPEAK OUT! therapy- “I feel like a human being again…”

SPEAK OUT! is designed to help individuals with Parkinson’s stay engaged in the things that are important to them, like going to work, socializing with family and friends, singing in the choir, dining out, and more.

This all-inclusive program combines education, speech therapy, home lessons, online resources, group activities, and ongoing follow-up. The exercises incoporated into SPEAK OUT! are designed to help individuals use their speech and swallowing muscles to full capacity with INTENT!

Retaining speech and swallowing in Parkinson’s is a challenge. It requires continuous vocal exercise and consistent follow-up and speech therapy. However, Parkinson Voice Project has proven over the years that retaining speech and swallowing IS possible.

Symptoms of a speech or swallowing disorder associated with Parkinson’s are:


  • Your vocal quality is softer or more raspy than before.

  • People ask, "What's wrong with your voice?"

  • Others ask you to speak up when you feel your volume level is fine.

  • You run out of air at the end of sentences.

  • People have trouble understanding you in a noisy room.

  • Your voice tires easily.

  • You feel left out of conversations.

  • Telephone calls or ordering at a drive-thru are difficult.

  • You have to strain to project your voice.

  • Your voice clarity is unpredictable. Some days are better than others.

  • Your voice makes you feel handicapped.


  • You have recently lost weight without trying.

  • You feel the need to clear your throat often.

  • You avoid drinking liquids.

  • Your voice sounds gurgly after eating or drinking.

  • You get the sensation of food being stuck in your throat.

  • You feel like you have too much (or too little) saliva.

  • You sometimes cough or choke before, during or after eating or drinking.

  • Food or liquid often spills out of your mouth.

  • It takes you longer to eat than others.

  • You avoid dining out with others.

  • You suffer from unexplained fevers or recurring pneumonias.

Why is speech therapy so important?

  • 90% of people with Parkinson's will experience a decline in their speech clarity and volume.

  • Trouble communicating can be very frustrating and may lead to social isolation and depression.

  • Studies have proven speech therapy is the most effective treatment method for improving and maintaining voice and swallow function.

  • Left untreated, speech challenges can develop into life-threatening swallowing complications; the leading cause of death among people with Parkinson's.

  • The sooner someone starts speech therapy, the better chance they have to keep their speech and swallowing skills throughout their lifetime.

  • Parkinson’s causes movements to become smaller over time, impacting the face, mouth, throat and chest. It's important to KEEP THOSE MUSCLES MOVING!!!

Learn more about the SPEAK OUT! Therapy Program

The SPEAK OUT! Therapy Program, developed by Parkinson Voice Project®, helps people with Parkinson’s regain and retain their speeh and swallowing. This evidence-based program combines ongoing education for the patient and family, individual and group speech therapy, daily home practice and re-evaluations.

Could you or a loved one with Parkinson’s benefit from SPEAK OUT! Therapy?